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7 лет назад
The mother cat clean and feed the newborn kittens.
The mother cat teach its kittens to play, to hunt, to climb,
to clean and to use toilet. When living outdoors,
the cat learns to protect itself from the cold and rain by taking refuge in a doorway basement or in abandoned box.
When the end of life of cat is near, cat try to find a secluded spot in which to
die with dignity, either under a bush, in the trunk
of a tree or a crumbled hut so as not to disturb or be disturbed in the moment
of the most quiet sleep.

Many cats are now working in movies. This is a
condition caused by some type of a fungi infection and will cause only minor itching in your pet, but because of the
infection, the hair loss can be severe. Also associated with this condition may be several crusty and scaling
areas on your pet's skin where hair loss has occurred.

This is a condition that several experts said did not happen in cats, but in the last three to four
years the medical community is now recognizing that it can, and in fact does, happen in cats as
well as in dogs.

Icterus in cats is caused by elevated levels of bilirubin which is
the substance that breakdowns down the red
blood cells in your cat.

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